
Welcome to Suite Spot's AATranslator.

AATranslator2 is a comprehensive session file conversion program for the audio and video industries. It allows you to convert sessions between one DAW and another, and between DAWs and NLEs. This flexibility is liberating since you can now work in your favourite DAW/NLE without worrying about compatibility and you can also use the program which is most suitable for the task. With AATranslator you can accept or send session files in virtually any format.
All this is good for creativity and helps get better and faster results.
AATranslator version 2 is a major step forward in terms of capability, flexibility and accuracy.

AATranslato2 will convert sessions to/from Ableton Live, Ardour, Audiofile, Audition, Auria, Cool Edit Pro, Capture, Cubase (via track archive), DAR, Digital Performer, Fairlight, Final Cut Pro 7, Grass Valley, Harrison Mixbus, Hindenburg (Journalist/Pro/Educator/Broadcaster), i-Movie, Logic & Logic Pro (via OMF & AAF), Media Composer/Adrenaline, N-Track, Nuendo (via track archive), Paris, Premiere, ProTools, Pyramix, Reaper, Sadie, Samplitude/Sequoia, SAW Studio, Sonar (via OMF), Soundscape, Soundtrack Pro, StarTrack, Studio One, Studio Live, Symphony, Tascam MX2424, Tascam X48, Tracktion, TripleDat, Vegas, Waveframe, Wavelab. The table below shows the actual formats supported.

DAW / NLE Format Ext
  DAW / NLE Format Ext
ProTools 7, 8 & 9 .ptf

From & To

  Open TL .tl
From & To
ProTools 10 & later .ptx

From & To

  Premiere Pro .prproj
ProTools v5 .pt5
From & To
  Presonus .capture
From & To
ProTools v6 .pts
  Presonus .song
From & To
OMF 2 .omf
From & To
  Pyramix .xml
From & To
Ableton Live 8 & later .als
From & To
  Reaper .rpp
From & To
Advanced Authoring Format .aaf
From & To
  Samplitude .edl
From & To
AES31 .adl
From & To
  Samplitude .vip
Ardour v2 .ardour
From & To
  SAW Studio .edl
From & To
Ardour v3 .ardour
From & To
  SAW Plus32 .edl
Audacity .aup
  SAW Pro .edl
Audacity v3 .aup3
  StarTrack .dat
From & To
Audition CS & CC .sesx
From & To
  Tascam .bu
Audition v3 .xml
From & To
  Tascam X48 .ndr
Auria .prj
  Track Archive (Steinberg) .xml
From & To
CMX .edl
  Tracktion .tracktion
From & To
Cool Edit/Audition .ses
From & To
  TripleDat .arg
DawProject .dawproject
  Vegas v8 or later .veg
Final Cut Pro .xml
From & To
  Vegas EDL .txt
From & To
Hindenburg .nhsx
  Vegas Script .xml
From & To

AATranslator was originally developed to take advantage of Adobe Audition's excellent editing capability where the result was to be mixed in a ProTools equipped facility.
Since then we have continually improved AATranslator to the point where it now converts more formats (including PTF, PTX, OMF & AAF) than any other session conversion program.
So if you have either a commercial or practical reason that makes it necessary to move a session from one DAW to another then AATranslator is probably your best solution.

AATranslator2 is being constantly developed with additional formats and revisions to accomodate the latest versions of formats that we already support.

AATranslator2 is a PC only program
While AATranslator2 is a 64bit PC application (Windows 7 or later) and it can be installed on a Mac using Crossover, Wineskin, MS Boot Camp, Parallels or similar.
We recommend either Wineskin or

* Details on how to purchase AATranslator2 can be found at the bottom of this page *

Does AATranslator2 convert everything?
The short answer is no.
DAW/NLE capabilities vary so enormously that a complete conversion between every session format is impossible.
We do convert far more detail than any session conversion program has offered so far but we do not convert either plugins/fx or midi.

While we do extract audio from many video files if your session consists of mainly video files then it's advisable to contact us as to suitability.
e will happily convert a test session for you, answer any of your questions and possibly add additional functionality.
* Check out Raymond Radet's tutorial on converting a Premiere CS6 session to Reaper using AATranslator *

To check if AATranslator2 suits your needs we are happy to run a test conversion before you buy

We are happy to convert a test session before you purchase

Purchase Options - Note that AATranslator2 is a 64bit PC application

Extended Version

'Extended' PC version required for conversions to/from ProTools, OMF & AAF

Standard Version

'Standard' PC version DOES NOT support OMF, AAF, Premiere .prproj or any version of ProTools
If your conversions involve these formats then you will need to purchase the 'extended' version

Upgrade from Standard AATranslator2

You will need to provide your current AATranslator2 registration number
Upgrade from AATranslator
This option is only available if you have purchased an 'enhanced' version of AATranslator AFTER December 2021
Contact us via this link and if eligible we will send you a link through which you can purchase the upgrade.
You will need to provide your original AATranslator registration number

Make a Donation

AATranslator2 is NOT 'donationware'
These donations are meant to show appreciation for a service provided and DO NOT give access to AATranslator2
Shortly after purchase you will receive an email containing registration and download details
* Current public release version of AATranslator2 released on 06/10/2024 *
* Current public release version 6.4.0 of AATranslator released on 23/12/2020
(Latest AAT1 beta version
6.4.86 (17/6/22) available on request to registered users)

*All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective holders
Comments from a few of our users

"So as a mixer you are going to receive a ptf. It is a deep feeling of loneliness but AATranslator comes and gives you a big hug saying 'here is your rpp, kid'." Mim - France
"It worked without a hitch. A great piece of software and worth every cent." "Bite the bullet and buy AATranslator. It's worth every cent" Joe Engineer - London, Ontario, Canada
"If you do audio-post on anything...buy it" Daryl Pierce - Canada
"AATranslator saved my life, money well spent. Top notch people, top notch customer service, best converter software ever" François-Eudes Chanfrault - France
"Just a quick thank you. AATranslator is really a life saver for me. Your team makes a wonderful product and I couldn't be happier with it." Sam Damask - MA, USA
"Wow. I can't say much else. That is truly amazing! It worked flawlessly...... I am SO impressed! Thank you so much!" DJ Kruzer, KSD Studios, North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA
"Your product saved our bacon for our 3D feature film. Thank you for the continued support, updates and all your hard work" Manny Parmar, Inner Karma Films Ltd
"After converting a few PT sessions with AAT I never even thought about installing my copy of PT again. It's miles easier than even loading a song into PT and stemming" Lawrence The Audio Cave
"Thank you so much for making an AMAZING product - and one that I use all the time! You are a boon to the sound community!!!" Cory Choy Silver Sound Online
“Got it all working and just translated a feature length film from Final Cut Pro X directly into Reaper.  Translated everything in 20 minutes.  Fantastic job, guys!” Keller Dungon Beach Studios
"A really great product by some really great guys". Charles CDM Studios
"I threw this ridiculous 12 hour Protools session with a gazillion edits and audio files in a bunch of folders at it and it just worked. It (AAT) was a bargain :)" James Newhouser (mac user) - WI, USA
"IT WORKS!!!! You're good!!! ... it just works! And it works great!" Renaud blimp
"YOUHOUOOOOOOO! It works!!! I've converted my OMF and boom! Everything is in place in Ableton. No need to open Pro Tools for the rest of my life, ahah." Tijany Lighthouse
"Excellent support to ensure it worked flawlessly on my Mac." Murray Milestone Studios
"You're a genius. 🙌 :-). It works perfectly ! Thank you so much for the quick and efficient support ! It also imported flawlessly in Mixbus 3 !". Jonathan Vanneste - Belgium
"I have just finished working on a short film with 2 guys on the other side of the planet, and working on different platforms to me. This production involved various workflows including:
* me receiving audio edits of location sync sound which had been cut in Adobe Premiere, sent to Adobe Audition, and then exported to OMF or AAF for transfer to me (I'm working in Reaper).
* me receiving ProTools session files, of some of the sound design, which also needed to be imported into Reaper.
Mick Rooney's amazing efforts with AATranslator meant that within mere minutes, I was able to extract an OMF into a new folder, and have access to all the individual .wav files which were used in the original session formats, but have them in a .rpp (Reaper) format. Without a word of exaggeration, without AAT, this collaborative effort involving 3 geographically-separated, and software-independent teams) simply would not have been possible. Thanks heaps AAT!" Bruce Williams (audio2u)
"Hey-- I just exported an AES31 ADL with media from Sadie 6.1.1 on W7 64, converted to RPP for Reaper in AAT (W7 32),  and opened it in Reaper on OS10.11.
All good!   Thanks dudes!  You rock!" Philip Perkins - Albany USA
"Just a quick note to say that I had to convert a Pro Tools 12 ptx session to Cubase XML today, and everything worked flawlessly - audio, panning, markers, etc all opened correctly in Cubase 8.5. Thanks for the great product" Murray Anderson - Milestone Studios
"This program is awesome, and the only one of it's kind. We couldn't do without it and we are very thankful to the developers" - Zen Duder Studios
"As a freelance editor and sound designer who uses different DAWs for different projects, I rely on your program all the time since the day I purchased it. The software has made me more professional by the fact I can make it easy on my clients when I never have a problem getting their export opened." - kfilms
"Love this software.. so glad I jumped on purchasing it!! It's been a huge missing link for me." - West Thordson PA USA
"Wow incredible software, you just saved my life" - Vlooper, Quebec Canada
"just a quick note to say THANK YOU. I've been using your amazing (and always retro-looking! ;) application for over 4 years now as a composer. I use it every week in my Music-For-Episodic-Television workflow. Always robust, always reliable, always works. Keep on rockin. " - Tim Rideout Montreal, Canada


Suite Spot Studios - Australia